Max Hempfling

Web Developer based in New York City

Hi! I'm a web developer with experience in JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, SQL, HTML5, CSS3, React, Redux, and many more technologies.

My interest in software stems from a love of creating something out of nothing, fueling insatiable drive to always learn and improve my skillset to ensure that I'm not only following the lead of developers before me, but innovating my own solutions.

My Projects
Frugal SheetsSourceLive
Frugal Sheets is a spreadsheet app inspired by Google Sheets. Technologies used are: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Postgresql, Reactjs, HTML5, CSS3, Redux
  • Recursive Formula Parsing. Chainable evaluation of formulas to aid in data processing.
  • Data Charts. Visualize data in clean charts to speed up understanding of sheet content.
  • Rich Text Editing. Style spreadsheets to keep data easy to read.
Tower DefenseSourceLive
Tower defense is a JavaScript and HTML5 based game. The player strategically places towers on the board in an effort to both convolute the minions efforts to reach their destinations, while at the same time dealing enough damage to destroy the minions. Some challenges faced while developing this game are:
  • Pathfinding. Minions navigate the player-built maze and traverse the most efficient path.
  • Projectile vectoring. Projectiles shot at minions will fly towards their target.
ezDOM is a very lightweight library for manipulating DOM elements and making AJAX requests. Making and displayed AJAX calls can be done in under 5 lines of code!
  • Create and manage XHR requests in under 5 lines of code!
  • Select and create DOM elements with ease.
My Skills
I've worked in the industry or developed projects using all of the following technologies, and my diverse full-stack experience enables me to quickly apply my knowledge and learn new skills at a moments notice.











